SML upholds commercial ethics and emphasizes its role in the expansion of the petroleum industry.

In response to recent accusations, Strategic Mobilization Ghana Limited (SML) is retaliating, vehemently defending its business operations and highlighting its adherence to industry standards.

SML upholds commercial ethics and emphasizes its role in the expansion of the petroleum industry.
SML upholds commercial ethics and emphasizes its role in the expansion of the petroleum industry.

In its contract with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the corporation explicitly denied any wrongdoing allegations, claiming to function on a risk-reward basis.

The controversy erupted following a documentary by the Fourth Estate, which questioned the contract between SML and GRA, throwing doubt on the legitimacy of the partnership and SML’s reported savings for the government.

SML responded by issuing a statement that addressed the main issues brought up in the documentary. The business emphasized how much it has contributed to the expansion of the downstream petroleum industry. SML refuted claims that questioned the effectiveness of its intervention by demonstrating a notable improvement in volume reporting and revenue production.

Additionally, the GRA intervened to justify its cooperation with SML. The GRA stressed in a statement released on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, that SML’s efforts resulted in a notable increase in the numbers recorded in the downstream petroleum industry. The volume recorded increased by thirty-three percent, from an average of 350 million liters per month in 2018 and 2019 to 450 million liters per month in 2020 and 2021.

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