Lookalike of Henry Fitz, the guy in Serwaa Amihere leak video emerges online

Ghanaian celebrity lookalike group, 4kings Lookalike Association, has got tongues wagging with its new unveiling

The group announced their newest addition, Henry Fitz, in a grand ceremony on TikTok

Lookalike of Henry Fitz, the guy in Serwaa Amihere leak video emerges online
Lookalike of Henry Fitz, the guy in Serwaa Amihere leak video emerges online

The lookalikes of Ebony and Edurance were present during the unveiling ceremony

The embattled 4kings Lookalike Association has sparked huge social media reactions after unveiling the lookalike of businessman and socialite Henry Fitz.

In a video sighted by Nanawan on the X, the group leader, @Robest_music, in the company of other lookalikes, expressed delight that they have added the lookalike of the popular business owner to the group.

After the veil was lifted off his words, the young man, who appeared to be in a foul mood, made a few remarks to signify his acceptance into the group.

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