Even with Jesus running for president, NPP will fall short – Kumchacha

The New Patriotic Party (NPP), even if it nominates Jesus Christ as its presidential candidate, would lose the 2024 general elections, according to Nicholas Osei, the founder and head of Heaven’s Gate Ministries and the man known as Prophet Kumchacha.


Jesus Christ cannot save the NPP from losing the 2024 election, according to Prophet Kumchacha, who recently announced his intention to run for office on the platform of the Kum People’s Party (KPP).

The contentious prophet asserted, in an interview with Ghanaian radio station Kingdom FM, “Whoever they bring, the party will lose in 2024. Even if NPP presents Jesus in 2024, they will still lose, I promise to God.

Therefore, he urged Ghanaians to support him in the 2024 election in order to alter the course of the nation, noting that Kumchacha, as president, would advance Ghana more effectively than illiterates.

He urged Ghanaians to choose John Mahama or the founder and head of the Ghana Union Movement, Christian Kwabena Andrews, also known as Osofo Kyiri Abosom, as their next candidate to lead the nation in place of the NPP.

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