Starting in September, PURC will raise electricity prices by 4.2%.

The average end-user will be impacted by a 4.22 percent rise in energy rates that was implemented by the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) for all non-lifeline residential customers.

Starting in September, PURC will raise electricity prices by 4.2%.
Starting in September, PURC will raise electricity prices by 4.2%.

The main goal of the tariff adjustment, according to the PURC, is to guarantee that the true cost of delivering utility services is maintained.

As it continues to undertake quarterly tariff reviews in compliance with its Rate Setting Guidelines for Quarterly Review of Natural Gas, Electricity, and Water Tariffs, the PURC is ever-grateful to all stakeholders for their assistance. The Commission wants to reassure its stakeholders that it will keep an eye on service providers’ activities to ensure high-quality service delivery while balancing the interests of consumers and utility service providers, according to the PURC statement.

This choice was made following a review that the PURC conducted for the third quarter of 2023. The main goal of the tariff adjustment, according to the PURC, is to guarantee that the true cost of delivering utility services is maintained.

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